The finest country in the world for 2021 has a sinister secret. a nation that has been ranked as the best place to live, with affordable education, little corruption, and extremely low levels of crime and violence.

is a nation with an appalling past, and in this essay, we'll discuss the "DISGUSTING PAST OF CANADA."

The Canadian government started horrifying policies that destroyed its native population in the 1830s. By 1996, nearly 150,000 indigenous children had been forcibly sent to residential schools. with terrible living conditions, thousands of pupils perished as a result of harsh rules, and many more perished while attempting to flee. In order to avoid punishment, students were made to abandon their indigenous culture and live and behave like white Canadians. But the wickedness of the Canadian officials didn't stop there; they also killed thousands of innocent youngsters and experimented on their bodies.

They gave them experimental vaccination injections, made them take large doses of medications, and even subjected them to arbitrary procedures. The Canadian government has oppressed indigenous peoples for more than a century in nothing but bad ways. However, after such a great deal of suffering, Canada finally offered its apologies to the victims in 2008.

Lastly, my folks, I must stress this! because in an era when some governments conceal or embellish their ugly pasts,Canada paid out 1.9 billion dollars in compensation to the tens of thousands of residential school survivors, and it has also provided $321 million to search for unmarked graves on former residential schools. Canada has also spent millions of dollars on reconciliation with indigenous people to help them move past their painful history.

Their prime leader also pledges to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and endured suffering, assuring the people that Canada's disgraceful past would not be concealed.

After discussing all of this, I realized that I had written this post to praise Canada rather than condemn it. Canada has emerged from its status as a genocide state because it has demonstrated that a bad past does not guarantee a poor future...And for that reason, we wrote this article: To demand that all governments make apologies with the victims and survivors who suffered as a result of them! to serve as a reminder that making amends for your errors is the only way to truly advance. The fact is that there will never be a truly "BEST" nation.

However, any country can always improve in order to ensure that the mistakes of the past never happen again.